F2 - Performance 2011

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Freddy “F2” Fernando lead artist of the popular group The Latin League was born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras where he lived until he came to America for the first time in 1998. F2 has found an American home base in Tampa, Florida where he currently records, writes and produces music at The House of Hitz. F2 has been pursuing his music career seriously for approximately 6 years. When asked why he had chosen to pursue a career in music he replied “I didn't choose music , music choose me”.
His first song was written as he listened to Vanilla Ice around the age of 9 years old. He then graduated to making beats and recording other people. Eventually he began writing and recording his own music on a more serious level. In 2006 he decided to build his own studio inside of his home which allowed F2 to create and record consistently for the first time. He says most of his music is inspired by real life situations that he experienced throughout his life and others times he says “The music is speaking through me”.
Artists like Jim Morrison have been very influential on F2 as well as artists/groups such as Metallica, Snoop Dog, El General, Mos Def, Vico-C, Don Chezina, Fugees & Tego Calderon. He says “I like artists that are not too commercial, like Jim Morrison he was a poet, El General was who turned me onto Reggaeton. Vico-C He took Reggaeton and turned into something I could relate to. Snoop Dog was the vision of the American Dream for me growing up in Honduras”.
To date F2 has recorded over 300 songs. He enjoys making his songs into videos because he says it allows him to reach an audience in more engaging way. His most recent video is the hit single “Plant We Seed” featuring Danger Powaz. He says he doesn't have a video for every song of course but he when he does make them he realizes the power of them more and more every time. If F2 could make one for every song he would.

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